5 ways to beat those January blues

According to mainstream media, mid-January is known for being the most depressing time of the year. It’s cold and icy outside, the caravan is safely stored in the garage and many of us have failed at our attempts of New Year’s resolutions. So this year, why not set yourself some more realistic goals to ensure you enjoy those last few weeks leading up to spring.

1. Increase your intake of fruit and vegetables
We’re not suggesting you radicalise your diet but why not replace your mid-morning pack of crisps with something a little more healthy? A banana and yoghurt is still just as delicious and might even keep your feeling fuller for longer

2.  Hit the snooze button
Everyone needs an extra hour in bed once in a while, just make sure it’s at the weekend and not a Monday morning

3. Get excited about your next UK break
Your caravan or motorhome might well be in storage but that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning your spring break. By the time March comes around you’ll have already have the location chosen, the campsite booked, the van packed and even the postcode stored in your satnav.

4. Join a caravan club
There are plenty of great caravan clubs to join whatever leisure vehicle you own. Being a part of a club will give you an opportunity to meet new friends, discover new places and  maybe even blag yourself some discounts! For more information on caravan clubs follow this link.

5. Get Insured
Put your mind at ease this year with a fully comprehensive insurance policy from Coast. Whether you are new to life on the road or just fancy changing your insurer, give Coast and try and set off for your next adventure knowing you’re fully protected.