8 Reasons why you should spend this Valentine’s away in your caravan

Here are some reasons why you should take a trip away in your caravan this Valentine’s day…

  1. Instead of spending a large amount of money in a romantic restaurant, you could save some pennies by making a romantic meal in the caravan.
  2. This works the same with spending money on a hotel room… why bother wasting money on a fancy hotel when your caravan comes complete with a bedroom.
  3. The campfire is the perfect place to snuggle up and get cosy with your loved one…
  4. If you have no alternative to bringing the kids along, a holiday park full of activities and other children to play with will serve as the perfect distraction.
  5. If you don’t have to bring the kids along camping in a secluded area can allow you to spend Valentine’s Day alone with your loved one.
  6. If you take your caravan somewhere remote with no phone reception or WiFi you and your partner will be able to give each other your 100% attention.
  7. You can show that special person in your life how much you really care about them by thoughtfully planning an entire romantic weekend getaway all by yourself.
  8. Instead of buying expensive bunches of flowers, why not pick a fresh bunch yourself from the local countryside.