Brits long for caravan breaks

We’ve always believed that once you’re bitten by the caravanning bug you never go back to hotel holidays – and it seems the rest of the nation agrees!

According to a new survey by search engine Ask Jeeves, 95% of people who’ve been on a caravan holiday said they would try it again given the opportunity.

The poll set out to discover the things that Britons adore, along with which experiences, tastes and sights we’re happy to experience only once!

Although caravanning scored highly in the list of favourite return pastimes, don’t expect many of your holiday park neighbour to be cooking up tripe or Marmite for tea – those were two foodstuffs that most of the people surveyed vowed never to try again!

Whether you’re embarking on your first ever caravan holiday or you’re a veteran caravanner, it’s important to make sure you’re covered by a comprehensive touring caravan insurance policy.

For a no obligation caravan insurance quotation contact our friendly sales team on Freephone 0800 614 849 or buy caravan insurance online.