Caravan on tour to help women living with cancer ‘Look Good Feel Better’

Today is the day the team at cancer charity Look Good Feel Better, are taking to the road in their bright pink Airstream caravan, on a mission to boost the self-esteem of females around the UK. “Look Good Feel Better is the only international cancer support charity, providing practical and very effective free services for women and teenagers suffering from the visible side effects from cancer treatment.”

Their trip will start in Epsom High Street in Surrey, then go on to visit another 20 cities to mark the charity’s 20th anniversary. The charity will help to build the self-esteem and confidence of those living with cancer, by providing free skincare and make-up workshops. The tour is also promoting Feel Better week, LGFB’s annual awareness week, where visitors are encouraged to ‘donate a kiss’ to help the charity collect 20,000 lipstick kisses to match their 20th anniversary.

Their friendly staff and volunteers will be hand to provide information and answer any questions from the general public. You can also find our more information about fundraising for their worthy cause.

Coast made their donation yesterday – make sure you make your donation today and keep a look out for the bright pink and silver caravan in a city near you!