Coast spends the day at Chilham Castle BE Horse Trials

Over the weekend Chilham Park hosted Chilham Castle British Eventing Horse Trials. Classes ran on both Saturday and Sunday, these included BE80(T) through to a selection of Novice classes.

Chilham Park is set in the beautiful grounds of Chilham Castle in Kent. The cross country course offers a huge range of fences and is popular with riders at all levels. Chilham hosts a number of British Eventing competitions each year and this weekend’s event was the first of the 2018 season.

The Coast team attended the event on Saturday to support some friends competing on the day. Although the sun was nowhere to be seen we were lucky enough to miss the rain and had a great day following the usual thrills and spills of eventing.

Avril Verhagen and Silver Ridge Chilham
Avril Verhagen and Silver Ridge who finished 10th in the Milbourn Equine Vets BE90 Section E
Chilham 3
Louise Jackson and Kahtan Hope For The Best who finished 12th in Chavereys BE80(T) Section G

This year Chilham’s layout was altered slightly with the show jumping below the castle and the dressage to the right of the show jumping. The cross country start and finish had also moved to where the cross country warm up has been in previous years. A lot of competitors commented throughout the day on how the change of layout was refreshing.

For those competitors registered with the South East Eventers League, Chilham (1) was a qualifying event for this season, Coast is sponsoring this year’s SEEL Veteran Rider rankings. At the end of March Bronia Hill was leading the Veteran Rider rankings with 6 points.

Class Winners at Chilham Castle

Well done to all competitors that competed over the two days, the winners of each class were…

Class and Section Rider Horse Score
MC Vet Physio
BE90 Section A
Susannah Skeggs TOPHOLM TRIBUTE 22.8
Spidge Event Photography
BE90 Section B
Annabel Murphy MILORE BORMES 28.3
Barretts Jaguar Land Rover
BE90 Section C
Barretts Jaguar Land Rover
BE90 Section D
Kate Linabury LISKY BROOK 21.8
Milbourn Equine Vets
BE90 Section E
Beverley Mattelaer HEADDON DIAMOND LIL 22.8
Cork Farm Equestrian
BE90 Open Section F
Melissa Joannides CRAAN BOB 25.3
BE80(T) Section G
Rebecca Crawford DOLLYS DAYDREAM II 32.3
BE80(T) Section H
Julie Offen INUS PH 31.0
BE80(T) Section I
Lucy K Wheeler WHAT A FELLA II 29.9
Olson Timber Buildings
BE100 Section J
Tom D Crisp DONNA HALCYON 21.0
Olson Timber Buildings
BE100 Section K
Melissa Joannides HAY JOSEPHINE 23.3
Olson Timber Buildings
BE100 Open Section L
Megan Williams FLUGEL S 30.8
Gillett Cook
BE100 Open U18 Section M
Gillett Cook
BE100 Open U18 Section N
Eloise Van Praagh LYDICAN STAR 28.7
George Haslett Antiques
BE100 Plus Section O
Harry Dzenis GULF STREAM III 28.0
Canaccord Genuity
ONu18 Section P
Canaccord Genuity
Novice Section Q
Tom Jackson GEORGIO D OVER 28.0
Canaccord Genuity
Novice Section R
Tom Jackson FORREST GUMP 124 25.8
Canaccord Genuity
Open Novice Section S
Melissa Joannides BRIARLANDS BIRDSONG 28.8