Coast team tackle The Major Series!

At Coast, a team of us have decided to throw ourselves head first into The Major Series.

This is a challenge made up of stench trenches, balance beams and blockade walls, where we’ll walk wobbly bridges and wade through freezing cold ice and mud – all to help more severely disadvantaged families experience a much needed break away in a caravan.

At our head office in East Sussex we know first-hand the fun and excitement of a caravanning break, which led us to find charity Family Holiday Association. Every year the charity help over 2,000 families, who are coping with severely difficult circumstances such as bereavement, domestic violence and chronic illness, enjoy a break at the seaside.

We are determined to raise £1100 to ensure many more family are given the opportunity to dance with the wind in their hair, wriggle their toes in the sand and listen intently to the roar of the ocean.

If you would like to help, there are a number of ways you can get involved:

  1. Grab your trainers and come join us
  2. Make the trip down to Eridge Park, Kent and support us
  3. Go online and sponsor us!

And even when caked in mud don’t forget we can still give you a competitive quote on your caravan, motorhome or park home insurance. Call us for a quotation today Freephone 0800 614 849. For a home insurance quotation call Freephone 0800 0234 843.