Government fact sheets for park home owners

The government has issued a new set of online fact sheets to help park home owners understand their rights when buying or selling a property.

An official consultation is currently underway into the relationship between park home residents and site owners, which the government hopes will stamp out the minority of site operators offering a poor standard of service.

As of April 2011, disputes between residents and site owners have been dealt with by Residential Property Tribunals as opposed to courts. The fact sheets are designed to inform residents of their basic rights, with documents on selling a home, setting up a Residents’ Association, pitch fees and charges and how to use the Residential Property Tribunal.

Click here to visit the government web page.

One important thing you can do to protect yourself is to take out a park home insurance policy. As well as offering cover for your home and its contents, many policies include legal expenses covering disputes between site owners and residents. To find out about Coast’s park home insurance call our sales team on Freephone 0800 614 849.