The most common caravan insurance claims

Not every caravanning trip goes to plan as accidents can sometimes happen. Here is an insight into the most common caravan insurance claims…

The top two insurance claims are accidental damage and claims made due to bad weather, making it even more important that you take out insurance.

  • Towing/ maneuvering damage- more than half of claims are due to owners hitting walls, posts or trees whilst manoeuvring their van. 
  • Window damage- as caravans are largely made up of windows they tend to suffer damage from stones when towing.
  • internal damage is another common claim, these consist of dents, cracks and spilled liquids.

The weather is another main cause for claims. According to recent studies the weather accounts for nearly a quarter of British caravan claims. Storms are the biggest cause of damage to caravans and awnings. It is therefore important to make sure you have insured your awning for the correct value.

Another less common claim is theft related. You should be security savvy and always use your hitchlock and wheelclamps or axle wheel locks. Make sure you activate alarms and tracking devices every time you leave the caravan unattended. Keep valuables locked away and out of sight and always close and lock caravan windows and doors when you go off for the day.