Top tips for safely loading your caravan
Like the Coast team, we’re sure many of you are planning your first trip of the touring caravan season over the next few weeks.
Now that your touring caravan is spring cleaned and ready to go, we thought it would be useful to put together a few tips on loading up before hitting the road. Having a well-packed caravan can make a huge difference to your towing experience, as placing too much weight in one area could make your leisure vehicle unstable.
Here’s our advice for a smooth journey to your holiday hot spot:
1. Place heavy items in the centre of your caravan, nearest the axle. Don’t be tempted to load your weight at the back of the van – if you become unstable on the road, this could cause it to snake from side to side
2. Place lighter items higher than heavier goods. All medium-weight and heavy items should be stored on the floor. Small and light items can be placed in cupboards overhead
3. Spread your clothing out in compartments around the caravan rather than packing the wardrobe – items such as shoes weigh more than you think!
4. Make sure anything you load into your caravan is fastened securely. Moving or falling belongings while towing may result in a sudden change of weight distribution
5. Pay attention to how you pack outside compartments. For instance, putting too much in your front locker will increase the noseweight of your caravan. This will destabilise it and could potentially cause an accident. Check your caravan handbook for maximum noseweights.
6. Empty out any water tanks and your toilet flush tank as water adds unnecessary weight
Before you set off for your first vacation this caravanning season, make sure your touring caravan insurance policy is up to date. If your caravan insurance is due for a renewal, Coast can offer you a competitive quote on Freephone 0800 614 849. You can also click here for an online quote.