What happens when you need to make an insurance claim?

We take out insurance to protect ourselves and our possessions should something go wrong. If the worst happens to you, rest easy knowing that Coast employs an in-house team of highly qualified experts to deal with customer enquiries we receive.

“We consider the claims team to be ‘shop window’ of the company, which is reflected in the quality of service we provide for our policyholders” explains our Senior Claims Manager Fred. “Our department has more than 150 years’ experience between its members.”

If you need to make a claim on your Coast policy, first of all you’ll be asked to fill out a claim form. This will be submitted to our in-house department along with an estimate for the repairs and replacements required.

It is the job of the claims team to assess whether the damage or accident that has occurred is covered by your policy. If it is then they will authorise the repair or replacement of your caravan, motorhome, park home or its contents.

Should your claim be less clear cut, the department will send a third party out to inspect the damage and complete a formal report, while for larger claims our team works in conjunction with Coast’s underwriters, Zurich and Equity Red Star.

Once your claim is approved, Coast will appoint specialists to deal with the damage either directly or through  a loss adjuster working on our behalf. In the event your leisure home or vehicle is extensively damaged to the point where it will cost more than its market value to repair, the claims team will deem it a ‘total loss’. Depending on the type of policy you have, they will then either arrange for the vehicle to be replaced or pay you a sum equivalent to its current market value before the damage occurred.

“As a team we understand the problems and sometimes traumas experienced by our policyholders when their homes and holiday properties suffer damage, sometimes to the extent of total destruction,” Fred continued. “Our aim is to always to deal with their problems sympathetically, professionally and as swiftly as circumstances allow, to restore them to their pre-incident condition as far as possible.”

More information on making a claim can be found on the FAQ section of our website. If you would like a caravan insurance, motorhome insurance or park home insurance quotation call Freephone 0800 614 849.