Wessex uses park homes to keep families together
Park home manufacturer Wessex has launched a campaign to keep agricultural families close together in their home environment by constructing park homes on the land where they work.
“Farmers often have difficulty in gaining planning permission to provide additional on-farm housing for family members and staff,” explained Wessex representative Richard Sigsworth. “In recent years, we’ve received a lot of inquiries from farmers with regard to providing additional on-farm accommodation for their sons or daughters, who wish to reside close to the core family business.”
Park homes are often associated with retirement, but they can be a cost-effective way of increasing the accommodation available on your current land without the need for planning permission. This can create living space for extended family of all ages – especially useful if several of you work together, such as on a farm.
To meet the growing demand for park homes in agricultural areas, Wessex has developed a specialist service for this sector of the market. Experts will advise on design, construction and management of the project, as well as helping new park home owners to add the finishing touches to their new dwelling.
“Having a tailored service, geared toward farmers and those residing in rural areas, will help family businesses and maintain strong economic benefits within the local community,” added Sigsworth.
Wessex is just one of the major brands covered by Coast’s tailored park home insurance. To find out whether you could save money on your insurance with us, call Freephone 0800 614 849.